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Who Will Care?

April 7, 2022

I supported and voted for candidates that ran their campaigns on “Police Reform.” Since being elected, I have not heard or read one bill being passed or introduced to support their campaign promises. African Americans are still being killed, tasered and profiled; nothing has changed to protect the brown American communities.  American citizens need protection like the Ukrainians. 

Our government need elected officials that will fight for the citizens. We are sending billions of dollars to Ukraine while people in the U.S. are struggling with the price of gasoline, food, medicine, and rent. Who will come to our rescue? Social Security, and Medicare need to be increased. We are proposing billions of dollars on “Infrastructure” while people are still homeless. What is the purpose of having nice bridges and roads, if people can’t afford the gas to drive on them? If we can afford to send billions to Ukraine, there’s no reason Americans should be homeless, hungry, living below the poverty line, or can’t afford medical or dental care. It’s alright to help others but don’t neglect your own. A mother shared with me ‘I have to make a decision every week to buy gas to go to work or properly feed my family.’ Lawmakers have never been placed in this situation. They don’t know the struggle of Americans while they are arguing and looking down from Capitol Hill.

Everyone is wanting to pass the buck, but no one is willing to roll up their sleeves and do the work. We are spending billions on constructing new buildings, new ideas and passing the invoice down to taxpayers. Our government is receiving enough of revenue to operate the country if managed properly. Officials makes everything so hard when everything is simple. The shootings, police reform, guns on the streets, and drugs are a simple fix, but lawmakers have to stop their bickering, party division and work together to pass bills for prosecutors to do their jobs to eradicate these crimes. Prosecutors must be willing to prosecute every case that comes across their desks and stop being selective on the cases they prosecute.

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